Author profile

Scott Edmunds

Editor in Chief of GigaScience and Chief Editor of GigaByte. Data nerd based at BGI Hong Kong. Co-founder of Open Data and Citizen Science organisations CivicSight, CitizenScience.Asia and Bauhinia Genome.

ISMB2024 – Demystifying the World of AI (and Publishing)

- July 21, 2024

ISMB2024 Cirque

Opening a Cabinet of Curiosities in Montreal Readers of this blog must know every summer the GigaScience Press team gathers at the ISMB (International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology) conference, where the great and good of computational biology gather for the largest bioinformatics conference of the year. Being the meeting where GigaScience launched in […]

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GigaByte Author Wins A Ben Barres Spotlight Award for Publicly Reviewed Preprints

- July 8, 2024

Ben Barres Award logo

GigaScience Press would like to congratulate Victoire Nsabatien for winning a 2024 Ben Barres Spotlight Award for his two preprints publicly reviewed and published by GigaByte. Prizes are a good way of positively reinforcing and incentivizing good practice in opening up science, and eLife should be commended creating the Ben Barres Spotlight Award for groups […]

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Transparency FTW! LLMs, OpenBoxScience and GetFreeCopy

- May 30, 2024

GetFreeCopy from OpenBoxScience

As an Open Science publisher we’ve pushed for transparency and access in the research that we disseminate, and in GigaByte journal we’ve just published a new open-source software tool “GetFreeCopy” that is demonstrative and addresses many features of this. To tell us more we have a Q&A with lead author Kuan-lin Huang, an Assistant Professor […]

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Publishing Citizen Science Data: Q&A with the Hong Kong Jellyfish Project

- May 20, 2024

Hong Kong Jellyfish Project

Today we publish a new Data Release presenting a dataset of jellyfish sightings collected by citizen scientists from 2021 through 2023 within Hong Kong waters. This is the first example where our curation team have worked with a Citizen Science project to share their observations in the GBIF biodiversity database. Here we have a Q&A […]

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DNA Day Launch for Hong Kong’s Moonshot for Biology

- April 25, 2024

Hong Kong Biodiversity Genome Project

The first emblematic species sequenced by the Hong Kong Biodiversity Genomics Consortium are published to coincide with International DNA Day. Joining a global “moonshot for biology” that aims to sequence, catalogue, and characterize the genomes of all of Earth’s eukaryotic biodiversity. A significant portion of modern knowledge in biology has emerged through sequencing the genetic […]

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Taking Spatial Omics into the Next Dimension

- February 20, 2024

Spatial Omics series

A multitude of papers on novel methods for Spatial Omics are published in a cross-journal series launching today in GigaScience and GigaByte Journals. Spatial Omics is a new field that is taking large-scale data-rich biological and biomedical research into new dimensions. Which is having a significant impact on the fundamental fields of biology and biomedicine. […]

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A Decade of FAIR – and what next? Q&A on FAIR workflows with the Netherlands X-omics Initiative

- January 14, 2024

FAIR workflows

Marking the 10th anniversary of the formulation of the FAIR principles, we have one of our GigaBlog Q&A’s with Peter-Bram ‘t Hoen, Alain van Gool, Anna Niehues and Casper de Visser from the Netherlands X-omics Initiative and Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, authors of a new paper on publishing FAIR workflows. Giving us their […]

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Peer Review Week 2023: GigaByte joins the ‘Publish, Review, Curate’ Revolution using Sciety

- September 27, 2023

Peer Review Week 2023 announcement

Thanks to a collaboration with Sciety and eLife, this Peer Review Week 2023 we can announce new ‘Publish, Review, Curate’ models of peer-review are being showcased by GigaByte.

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Archiving blogs, pt. 2: The GigaBlog Top of the Pops

- September 19, 2023

Top of the Pops

In the process of going back through our more than 300 posts over 12-years of blogging we thought we would highlight our favourites in a Top of the Pops style countdown.

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Archiving blogs: Rogue Scholar and lessons from Biome

- September 12, 2023

Rogue Scholar

GigaBlog is now archived in Rogue Scholar, a new service that provides what it calls “science blogging on steroids” through including full-text search, long-term archiving, DOIs and metadata for science blogs such as ours.

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