Giga-Galaxy moves into the metabolomics universe


Sophisticated computational analyses must be performed on metabolomics data in order to measure the abundances of the metabolites. However, this typically requires expert knowledge in computer programming and biostatistics, restricting the usefulness of metabolomics to specialised laboratories. Thanks to funding from the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council, this project will develop a software platform based on Galaxy to make it much easier for non-specialist scientists to analyse their metabolomics datasets.

As the first metabolomics project in the recently announced Joint BGI-University of Birmingham Environment & Health Centre, the funding will enable Rob Davidson, a post-doctoral researcher from Mark Viant’s research group at the University’s School of Biosciences, to travel to Hong Kong and work with GigaScience in developing the popular Galaxy workflow system for use in metabolomics data analyses.

Rob arrived this week and will be working with us at BGI-Hong Kong for two months. Since Rob is a keen foodie, GigaScience is also looking forward to showing him the culinary delights of Hong Kong such as chickens feet dim sum stylee!



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