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What links RNA-Editing, Data Citation and Ancient Chinese Emperors?

- February 17, 2012

An incremental step has been achieved for the adoption of data citation, Nature Biotech included one of our dataset DOIs in their references for the first time.

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GigaScience Journal Part of Global Data-Sharing Effort: New Standards Allow Disparate Data Sets to Integrate

- January 28, 2012

GigaScience now part of global data-sharing effort, new ISA-TAB standards allow disparate data aets to integrate

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Data Citation Enters the (year of the) Dragon

- January 23, 2012

As we enter the year of the dragon lots of updates and news on how Data Citation is growing as a movement, with meetings and journal uptake.

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Data Citation December

- December 23, 2011

More on DataCite, Data Citation standards, and the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) in Bristol

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HVP Beijing: dealing with variation

- December 11, 2011

Write up of the Human Variome Project meeting in Beijing (HVP Beijing), addressing the understanding and treatment of heritable diseases.

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InCoB/ISCB-Asia: keynotes and curation

- December 5, 2011

Covering the the InCoB/ISCB-Asia meeting in Kuala Lumpur – presenting genomics and bioinformatics with a spicy Asian flavour.

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GigaScience at #ICG6: announcing the release of GigaDB and new datasets

- November 19, 2011

Update on the release of a new-look database, more data, and a number of talks and announcements at BGI’s annual ICG6 conference in Shenzhen.

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Genomicists go Shenzhen: GigaScience at the International Conference on Genomics VI

- November 11, 2011

Promoting GigaScience at the International Conference on Genomics VI (ICG6) in Shenzhen with some important announcements to come.

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GigaData news: Macaque DOIs published in Nature Biotechnology

- October 21, 2011

This week marks another success for the fledgling practice of data citation, with two datasets from our GigaScience database published in Nature Biotechnology. The genomes sequenced by our colleagues at the BGI for the Cynomolgus and Chinese rhesus macaques were initially released DOIs at our launch in July, and were amongst the first (at the […]

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ICHG2011: Genetics and Genomics Gets Personal

- October 19, 2011

Coverage of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) jamboree: the2011 International Conference of Human Genetics (ICHG2011) in Montreal.

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