Author profile

Chris Hunter

Chris is an experienced scientist with a varied research background including evolutionary genomics, cancer genetics and metagenomics, before moving into the big data arena. Now heading up the GigaDB team helping to ensure every GigaScience Press manuscript is fully reproducible, FAIR and openly accessible to all.

FUNC on Safari: the 6th International Conference on Functional Metagenomics (FMG24)

- June 26, 2024

FUNC on Safari: Functional Metagenomics conference 2024 at Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa (2nd – 5th June 2024) GigaScience Press were once again proud sponsors of the Functional Metagenomics conference (FMG24). Functional Metagenomics is an area of interest for the journal, particularly via our MetaFUNC thematic series. This, the 6th installment of the conference, was held in […]

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AIBC – India. Biocuration, long days, even longer traffic jams.

- March 26, 2024

Biocuration banner

The Annual International Biocuration Conference (AIBC) was held for the first in India, at the Indian Biological Data Centre (IBDC), Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad and co-hosted by the Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Delhi South Campus. As usual, GigaDB had representation at the event (see write-ups of many previous meetings here), […]

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Reflect, Enjoy, Do something! Lessons from the International Digital Curation Conference

- March 1, 2024


Kevin Ashley’s (DCC director) closing remark at the IDCC (International Digital Curation Conference) 2024 meeting was “Reflect, Enjoy, Do something!”. Hopefully you will enjoy my doing something. The International Digital Curation Conference meeting in The Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 19-22 Feb 2024, marks their first in-person meeting for 4 years (and an even longer […]

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Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG) 31st annual conference

- February 2, 2024

PAG (Plant and Animal Genomes conference) returned to the Town and Country resort San Diego for its 31st installment this January (Jan 12-17, 2024), bigger and better than ever before! The GigaScience Press team are regular attendees of the meeting (see last years write-up), and this year members of our Editorial and Curation teams joined […]

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Evolutionary Biology goes Asia: the 3rd AsiaEvo Conference

- January 10, 2024

AsiaEvo conference signpost

In the beginning GigaScience was at the first AsiaEvo conference, which took place in Shenzhen, China in 2019. Back then, the chair of the first AsiaEvo Conference, Guojie Zhang (longtime friend and board member of GigaScience) said of the history of the AsiaEvo meeting series: “In 2016, at the European Evo-Devo conference in Uppsala, some […]

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GSC23: Talking standards in Bangkok

- August 25, 2023


The Genomic Standards Consortium held its 23rd meeting (GSC23) in Bangkok, Thailand this August and we have a write-up of what happened.

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RDA20 Plenary: A Decade of Data 2013-2023. Celebrating 10 years of the Research Data Alliance (RDA)

- March 30, 2023

RDA020 logo

In one of our conference write-ups, GigaDB provides perspectives and summary of the RDA20 plenary- A decade of data. 5 days of discussions and working groups all about research data.

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Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG) Comes Storming Back!

- February 6, 2023

After 2 cancellations due to the pandemic, the Plant and Animal Genomes conference returned to its in-person format in January with its 30th edition. A number of the talks focused on the effects of climate change either on biodiversity or crop development. It seems only fitting then, that the weather provided a suitable demonstration with […]

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The Annotometer Results Are In…

- May 3, 2016

And the final result from the Annotometer is in! GigaScience Lead Biocurator Chris Hunter updates us and provides lessons on how the GigaCuration Challenge went at last months Biocuration 2016.

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Encouraging community curation through competition

- February 4, 2016

As part of this years BioCuration 2016 event in Geneva we are launching an annotation competition: the Giga-Curation Challenge.

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