Enter the GigaScience Prize Track at ICG-12

Call for Submissions – Win Prizes and Join us in Shenzhen for ICG-12

Being co-published by BGI and based at their Hong Kong office we are regular participants at their yearly ICG (International Conference on Genomics) conference in Shenzhen. Since the very first meeting in 2006, ICG has grown to become one of the most influential annual meetings in ‘omics’ research, and is now in its 12th edition. GigaScience have been media partners since we launched and have also assisted in organising a number of fun thematic tracks over the years including ICG-8’s crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and open science session (blog here) and ICG-10’s excellent Community Genomics session (see the blog and GigaTV videos of the talks).

Being a conference primarily driven by and covering technological advances in ‘omics technologies, ICG is a great place to get close and interact with the pioneers of the field, with plenary speakers including Nobel laureates, pioneers of the human genome project, and CEOs showcasing their latest technologies. While the other tracks often cover bioinformatics and sub-field specific research, it has always been more of a conference for big-picture overviews rather than the latest unpublished research. For ICG-12 we’ve decided to address that gap by launching our competition and prize track to promote new, cutting edge, unpublished research in the field of large scale biological and biomedical research. This track will include submissions of both theoretical and experimental ‘omics research in areas covered by GigaScience‘s scope, and carried out in our typically open science way showcasing the latest real-time and open peer review methods.

How you can join us at China National GeneBank:
If you’ve ever wanted to attend ICG, now is your chance to join us at the amazing ChinaNational GeneBank building, on October 26-29th 2017. Winning entries will get registration and travel covered to come out out and present their work.

What you can win:

Each author of a submission that is accepted for the series will be be given complimentary registration and travel to ICG-12, so they can present their winning work in the GigaScience Prize track.

The top paper will receive a cash prize of $1000 USD and a free APC (article processing charge: usually worth $2000 USD). Second place will receive a free APC; Third Place 75% off an APC; and all other papers awarded a presentation in the track will receive a 50% APC discount.

Papers that are sound but don’t meet the criteria for this session may be offered talks in other sessions or poster presentations at the conference.

Key Dates:

  • Paper submission is now: Open
  • Paper submission deadline: July 15, 2017
  • First round of peer review: August 15, 2017
  • Presentation decision: September 15, 2017

Open Science Judging Process:

Peer review will be handled by the GigaScience editorial team in our usual (hopefully) thorough, transparent and fair manner. Being a track focussing on cutting-edge research, we want to showcase the most cutting-edge platforms in scholarly communication in the process, and all submissions need to be submitted as pre-prints in BioRxiv and will be peer-reviewed openly in a special channel of the AcademicKarma peer review platform.

To make deciding on the winners more impartial the best winners will be decided by a judging panel encompassing other session chairs and external experts including Huanming Yang, Laurie Goodman, Lachlan Coin, Paul Horton, and Kathy Belov. More judges to be announced.

Submission Guidelines:

Papers submitted for review should follow our scope and represent original, previously unpublished work that use, produce, or provide analysis tools for large data in ‘omics fields.

1. Submit your paper through bioRxiv, then use the integrated functionality to transfer it to GigaScience.

2. Include a note in the covering letter stating: “This is a submission to the GigaScience Prize Track”.

3. Once your submission is live, we will add it to the AcademicKarma channel here: http://academickarma.org/conference/ICG12

See the icg-12.org website and competition page for more information, and for further questions concerning the submissions, please contact the GigaScience editors at editorial@gigasciencejournal.com.


