Monthly Archives: May 2024

Transparency FTW! LLMs, OpenBoxScience and GetFreeCopy

- May 30, 2024

GetFreeCopy from OpenBoxScience

As an Open Science publisher we’ve pushed for transparency and access in the research that we disseminate, and in GigaByte journal we’ve just published a new open-source software tool “GetFreeCopy” that is demonstrative and addresses many features of this. To tell us more we have a Q&A with lead author Kuan-lin Huang, an Assistant Professor […]

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Publishing Citizen Science Data: Q&A with the Hong Kong Jellyfish Project

- May 20, 2024

Hong Kong Jellyfish Project

Today we publish a new Data Release presenting a dataset of jellyfish sightings collected by citizen scientists from 2021 through 2023 within Hong Kong waters. This is the first example where our curation team have worked with a Citizen Science project to share their observations in the GBIF biodiversity database. Here we have a Q&A […]

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