Tag Archives: citizen science

Publishing Citizen Science Data: Q&A with the Hong Kong Jellyfish Project

- May 20, 2024

Hong Kong Jellyfish Project

Today we publish a new Data Release presenting a dataset of jellyfish sightings collected by citizen scientists from 2021 through 2023 within Hong Kong waters. This is the first example where our curation team have worked with a Citizen Science project to share their observations in the GBIF biodiversity database. Here we have a Q&A […]

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Citizen Scientists can see the wood for the trees

- March 6, 2024

Few countries have a biodiversity that’s comparable to Brazil’s, including plant-based food sources that are little known elsewhere.  Even in big cities you may pick all kinds of fruit directly from the tree, which can be both tasty and also interesting for the botanist. The Citizen Science project “Pomar Urbano” collects data on urban fruit-bearing […]

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Cell Biology in Washington DC: GigaScience at ASCB/EMBO Cell Bio 2022

- January 29, 2023

Write-up of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) 2022 Meeting

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Publishing Citizen Science data to fight against mosquito borne diseases

- May 31, 2022

Citizen Scientists share and publish Mosquito Alert data as part of our GigaByte (& GBIF & TDR supported) series on vector-borne diseases.

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Power to the People and Their Data – The Open Humans Way. Q&A with Bastian Greshake Tzovaras and Mad Price Ball

- June 27, 2019

Read more about Open Humans from Bastian Greshake Tzovaras & Mad Price Ball, a community-based data sharing platform for ethical participant led research.

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Citizen Science goes mainstream. Back at the UN with the Citizen Science Global Partnership.

- March 29, 2019

Citizen Science at UNEA4

Citizen Science at UNEA4 As GigaScience has the aim of opening and democratising science as far as it can go, we even work towards the involvement of non-professional “citizen scientists” in the scientific process. Regular readers of this blog and journal will have seen the many crowdfunded and educational community genome projects we have promoted […]

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Citizen Smith goes to Nairobi. Taking Citizen Science to the UN

- December 15, 2017

Taking Citizen Science to the UN, with the launch of CitizenScience.Asia at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi

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Community Genomes on GigaTV

- December 10, 2015

GigaScience helped organise the Community Genomes track covering crowdfunding and citizen use of genomics data at the 10th International Conference on Genomics in Shenzhen. Read more and watch the talks in this write up.

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Community Microbiomes: Chatting Cat Scat with Kittybiome’s Holly Ganz

- May 26, 2015

All Cats (Microbiomes) are Grey? Regular readers will have seen our interest in “community genome” projects, supported by crowdfunding and alternative means (fashion shows in case of the “peoples parrot”), and we’ve been pleased to see the Azolla fern and Cactus genome projects that we published guest GigaBlog postings from both achieve their funding targets. […]

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Guest posting: Let’s crowdfund a fern genome that will blow your mind

- June 16, 2014

Following our efforts encouraging open-science projects, such as the community funded “Peoples Parrot” and OpenAshDieback, today we have a guest posting from Fay-Wei Li and Kathleen Pryer from the Department of Biology at Duke University covering a crowdfunding effort to sequence the Azolla genome.  They have already raised over $4,000 and have 25 days remaining until […]

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