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Giga-Galaxy moves into the metabolomics universe

- May 3, 2013

Giga-Galaxy moves into the metabolomics universe with new NERC funding to work on metabomics workflows and Galaxy

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Genetics and open access publishing meets Chilli Crab

- April 17, 2013

Write-up on the 2013 Human Genome Meeting/International Congress of Genetics (HGM/ICG) meeting and an Open Access workshop at A*STAR we participated in

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Call for papers for a special GCC2013 Galaxy series

- April 5, 2013

Announcing our Call for papers for a special Galaxy series launched at the GCC2013 Galaxy Community Conference meeting in Oslo, Norway

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Q&A with Xin Zhou, author of our insect “squishome” paper.

- April 2, 2013

Q&A with Xin Zhou, author of our insect “squishome” paper, talking high-throughput metabarcoding of bulk arthropod samples.

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New in GigaScience: the Squishome

- March 27, 2013

Presenting a new “squishomics” approach for understanding biodiversity, using DNA-soup made from crushed-up insects and the latest sequencing technology

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Tweenome on Film: Excellent Video on Crowdsourcing Killer Outbreaks

- February 21, 2013

The BBSRC has just released an excellent video and article on crowdsourcing killer disease outbreaks very relevant to our recent commentary and blog postings on the OpenAshDB

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Open Science versus Ash Dieback (and the Tweenome revisited)

- February 13, 2013

Open Science and crowdsourcing versus Ash Dieback (and the Tweenome revisited, with and update on our E. coli genome datasharing adventures)

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Opening peer-review: our new paper on SOAPdenovo2 shows how it works

- December 27, 2012

Our new paper on the SOAPdenovo2 genome assembly tool shows how our open peer review system works, adding transparency to scientific publishing

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Promoting Data Citation in Nature (and Pushing Past Panda Problems)

- December 21, 2012

A brief history of data citation, and an overview of our battles getting DOIs cited in the references of a number of journals.

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GigaScience special session at ISCB-Asia on Workflows & Cloud for Reproducible Bioinformatics

- December 16, 2012

GigaScience organised a session last week at the ISCB-Asia/SCCG conference in Shenzhen on “Workflows and Cloud for Reproducible Bioinformatics”.

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