Tag Archives: precision medicine

GSC23: Talking standards in Bangkok

- August 25, 2023


The Genomic Standards Consortium held its 23rd meeting (GSC23) in Bangkok, Thailand this August and we have a write-up of what happened.

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Personal Genomics Enters a New Phase

- October 11, 2016

Individual human genomes are diploid in nature, with half of the homologous chromosomes derived from each parent. The context in which variations occur on each individual chromosome has profound effects on the action and clinical importance of the genes on it, but this “haplotype” information has been mostly ignored in genomics research to date. A wealth of new data released from the Personal Genome Project via a new Data Note helps fill this gap by releasing the largest set of high coverage whole human genome assemblies with experimentally determined haplotypes to date.

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Sharing Genomic Data in the Precision Medicine Era

- October 9, 2015

GigaBlog covers human genomic data, from the ASHG meeting in Baltimore to our “Hacking the human genome” event in Hong Kong.

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