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Secure Genetic Data Moves into the Fast Lane of Discovery

- November 6, 2014

Overview of GWATCH (Genome-Wide Association Tracks Chromosome Highway), a new tool just published in GigaScience

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Uncovering the tangled roots of plant evolution

- October 29, 2014

Using big data to understand the tree of life New work just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and GigaScience reveals important details about key transitions in the evolution of plant life on our planet, and present a huge cache of computational results, data and tools for plant biologists. In closing […]

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Guest Blog: The 2014 Ebola Epidemic: Approaches and resources to slow the spread of infection

- October 27, 2014

The Ebola pandemic presents one of the most terrifying world health crises in modern times, with devastating consequences in Western Africa [as this goes to press there are now over 10,000 infections and almost 5,000 deaths]. There is a vast amount of data on this crisis available in rapidly published articles and on the internet […]

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Guest Blog: Challenges and opportunities with sharing neuroimaging data

- October 19, 2014

Here we present a guest blog by our Editorial Board Member Russell Poldrack, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, who highlights the challenges and opportunities surrounding imaging data to enable the neuroscience community to “stand on the shoulders of giants”, and an announcement on our new fMRI series. The sharing of neuroimaging data is an […]

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Community Genomes: From the Peoples Parrot, to “Crowdfernding”.

- September 30, 2014

An overview of Community Genomes: providing examples of crowdfunded and sourced genomics projects from the Peoples Parrot to “Crowdfernding”.

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All systems go at ICSB 2014 and the Great GigaScience and Galaxy (G3) workshop

- September 24, 2014

All systems go at ICSB 2014 and ou Great GigaScience and Galaxy (G3) workshop we co-organised in Melbourne

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Ain’t No Party like a Bring Your Own Data Party!

- August 22, 2014

Ain’t No Party like a Bring Your Own Data Party: write-up of the BYOD workshop we organised in Hong Kong bringing together data producers, modellers, curators and database experts

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Continuing the push beyond static documents. ISMB, and more on our “What Bioinformaticians need to know about digital publishing beyond the PDF2” workshop

- July 31, 2014

Write-up on ISMB2014 in Boston and more on our “What Bioinformaticians need to know about the digital publishing beyond the PDF2” workshop we organised there

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Guest posting: Optical Mapping allows comprehensiveness and scalability that modern sequencing cannot provide

- July 21, 2014

Guest posting from David Schwartz on how Optical Mapping allows comprehensiveness and scalability that modern sequencing cannot provide

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Bioinformatics, Birthdays, and Booze at Boston BOSC.

- July 17, 2014

Bioinformatics, Birthdays, and Booze at Boston BOSC: a write-up of BOSC2014 and the BMC Open Data Award for Assemblathon2 paper

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