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IBRO and CNS*2011, or happy neuroscience days

- July 31, 2011

I just got back from attending the IBRO World Congress in Florence and the CNS*2011 meeting in Stockholm.  All I can say is: lucky me. Okay, clearly that’s not all I can say.  They were both wonderful meetings and it was great to see so much good neuroscience going on.  IBRO had quite the turnout […]

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Final impressions of Vienna: time to go with the (work)flow…

- July 20, 2011

So that’s ISMB over for another year. The worlds computational biologists are now sleeping off their Austrian wine and Sacher Torte hangovers on flights back home, hopefully inspired and brimming with fresh ideas for the next year. On the whole it seemed a productive and positive meeting, and whilst personal perspectives always differ depending on […]

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First day of the ISMB Bio-Ontologies Meeting: useful tools in the data-deluge.

- July 15, 2011

In this era of “big-data” and supposed data-tsunamis, being able to sift through the vast swathes of information and find what you are looking will become more and more important. Key to this process will be the use of controlled vocabularies and ontologies – properly tagging and labelling the data to make it findable, and […]

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GigaScience on the road…

- July 13, 2011

GigaScience on the road

GigaScience is now on the road, meeting authors at the  first meeting of the Earth Microbiome Project and Bio-IT APAC  meeting

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GigaScience, Giga-database and now GigaBlog: new resources for the big-data community

- July 6, 2011


The launch of GigaBlog, we’d like to welcome you and hope our future blog  discussions will supplement and enhance the content of GigaScience.

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