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Having a finger on the pulse of data citation

- February 28, 2014

Endorsing data citation at the Data Citation Principles workshop at the IDCC meeting in San Francisco and new data and functionality in GigaDB

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Continuing our #usegalaxy series at the 2014 Galaxy Community Conference

- February 20, 2014


Overview and call for papers on continuing our #usegalaxy series at the upcoming GCC2014 2014 Galaxy Community Conference in Baltimore

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Rewarding Reproducibility: First Papers in our Galaxy Series utilizing our GigaGalaxy platform

- February 6, 2014

First papers published in our #usegalaxy Galaxy Series utilizing our GigaGalaxy platform, showcasing visualisations of workflows

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GigaScience goes CC4. A handy cut out and keep guide to our licenses

- December 19, 2013

A handy cut out and keep guide to how we use creative commons (CC) licenses for all of our content, textual, data and blogs

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Moving pictures of the Microbiome in GigaScience

- November 27, 2013

Moving pictures of the Microbiome in GigaScience, all hail the EMPeror, a new tool for visualizing high-throughput microbial community data.

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Calling all papers for the Automated Function Prediction series

- November 18, 2013

Announcing a new thematic series of research highlighting automated function prediction using sequence-based methods, function from genomic information, molecular interactions, structure, use of combined methods, and phylogeny-based methods.

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A GigaGathering at ICG8 in the era of big data and crowdsourcing

- November 5, 2013

A GigaGathering at ICG8 in the era of big data and crowdsourcing, covering the special track we organised on crowdsourcing and open science.

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Release the Bats! New Halloween #opendata treat in GigaDB

- October 31, 2013

As a special Halloween treat we’ve added three bat genomes to the GigaDB database: Brandt’s bat (Myotis brandtii), the Black Flying Fox (Pteropus alecto) and the Mouse-eared bat (Myotis davidii).

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The cyber-centipede: giving online species descriptions a leg up

- October 28, 2013

Announcing a new collaboration with Pensoft to create a multi-dimensional species description for the cyber-centipede using microCT, sequincing data and more

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Open Data For The Win!

- October 2, 2013

Depositing data in GigaDB helped authors win BMC Open Data Award by boosting confidence in unexpected epigenomics research findings

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