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GigaScience at VIZBI 2021

- April 14, 2021

VIZBI 2021 poster

GigaScience are huge fans of the VIZBI – Visualising Biological Data – conference and our Data Scientist Chris Armit details the major highlights of VIZBI 2021.

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One group of bacteria to rule them all

- March 26, 2021

rickettsia logo

New research in GigaScience reveals a previously hidden diversity of symbiotic Rickettsia bacteria. The new data are also relevant for studying human and animal diseases that are caused by some types of Rickettsia.

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A step-by-step guide to 3D print a scientific publication.

- March 9, 2021

To promote re-use of microCT data and 3D models we have produced a video guide on how to 3D print a scorpion from GigaDB in 10 simple steps.

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Guest Posting: Help Crowdfund the Transbiome

- March 2, 2021


A guest posting with the Transbiome team on their community driven research program using crowdfunding and co-creation to discover the diversity of the neo-vaginal microbiome.

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GigaByte and River Valley Technologies push the boundaries of Executable Research Articles using Stencila and Code Ocean

- February 25, 2021

Executable Research Article

Today GigaByte publishes its first Executable Research Article (ERA), using technology from Stencila and Code Ocean to showcase interactive and executable versions of the figures.

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Play it again, SAMtools. Q&A with the SAMtools team on 12 years of providing bioinformatics “glue”

- February 17, 2021

SAMtools paper

Today we publish the first update in 12 years describing what’s new in SAMtools, and for the first time the associated BCFtools and HTSlib software library. Here is a Q&A with the authors.

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Ukraine Genome Survey Adds Missing Pieces to Human Diversity Puzzle

- January 13, 2021

Ukraine Genome logo

The Ukraine Genome Project finds quarter of the genetic variation in Europe, dramatically increasing information on population diversity and medical genetics.

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Cracking sex chromosome evolution via egg-laying birds and mammals

- January 7, 2021

sex chromosome duck genome

Ducks, Emu’s, Platypus and Echidna’s, oh my! New work on the duck and other egg-laying animal genomes helps crack sex chromosomes evolution and diversity in a number of bird and monotreme species.

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GigaScience at Cell Bio 2020 Virtual

- January 5, 2021

Cell Bio Virtual 2020

Chris Armit attended Cell Bio 2020 Virtual (the online ASCB|EMBO Meeting) and here provides a write-up of the excited Cell Biology on display in this conference.

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New beginnings during a pandemic – the COVID year in review

- December 17, 2020

Looking back at this unusual year, we are happy to report that GigaScience not only kept going under difficult circumstances, publishing outstanding examples of Big Data science and introducing innovations in the review process. We also opened a new chapter with the launch of a sister journal, GigaByte .

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