Guilhem Sempere - June 8, 2016
GigaScience recently published an article all about a Genotype Investigator for Genome-Wide Analyses, alternatively known as Gigwa. But what is this and how can it help? Guilhem Sempere explains more.
Nicole Nogoy - June 7, 2016
Four enthusiastic Guest Editors (Rubén Rellán Álvarez, Guillaume Lobet, Malia Gehan and Srikant Srinivasan) of our Plant Phenomics: Data Integration series, have got together and share their insights on the current status of Plant Phenomics research.
Following our “Reproducible Research Resources for Research(ing) Parasites” announcement of a collaboration with, we thought we would go into more detail on our first papers integrating their methodologies on this platform. To give some insight into his work, we have one of our author Q&As with first author François Olivier Hébert.
Scott Edmunds - June 3, 2016
Two new research papers on scabies and tapeworms published today showcase a new collaboration with This demonstrates a new way to share scientific methods that allows scientists to better repeat and build upon these complicated studies on difficult-to-study parasites. It also highlights a new means of writing all research papers with citable methods that can be updated over time.
Chris Hunter - May 3, 2016
And the final result from the Annotometer is in! GigaScience Lead Biocurator Chris Hunter updates us and provides lessons on how the GigaCuration Challenge went at last months Biocuration 2016.
Nicole Nogoy - April 26, 2016
Chris Lortie is an integrative ecologist (Santa Barbara, USA and York University, Canada) and is a co-Guest Editor of our Data-Intensive Ecology series. Here, he shares his views on a few challenges and solutions in contemporary ecology as the field moves into the big-data era.
Scott Edmunds - March 17, 2016
What does Obama, mysteries hidden in Brazilian leaf litter, and state-of-the art 3D imaging technology have in common? Find out more in GigaBlog.
Nicole Nogoy - March 15, 2016
In support of Brain Awareness Week, we have asked Cameron Craddock, Director of the Computational NeuroImaging Lab, Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research and Director of Imaging, Child Mind Institute, to write a blog highlighting open science in neuroimaging, and to announce our upcoming publication of the 2015 Brainhack Proceedings and the Brainhack Thematic Series. BioMed Central are also highlighting some of the amazing benefits of brain research and showcasing the progress being made by researchers around to world.
Nicole Nogoy - March 13, 2016
We are continuing our support for metabolomics open data and training with a 2nd BBSRC UK-China collaboration grant focussing on metabolomics data
Scott Edmunds - March 8, 2016
Conservation research is being dragged into the 21st century with efforts such as the ConGen training workshop. Deputy director of the program Taras Oleksyk tells us more in this Q&A.