Nicole Nogoy - April 28, 2014
From function “unknown” to “known”: First papers out now from our Automated Function Prediction series linked to the ISMB AFP-SIG
Scott Edmunds - April 23, 2014
Today we have a guest posting from F1000’s Iain Hrynaszkiewicz covering the topic of journals role in medical data sharing
Scott Edmunds - April 16, 2014
Q&A with the reviewers of our reproducible CARMEN paper Thomas Wachtler and Christophe Pouzat on Knitr and pushbutton papers
Scott Edmunds - March 26, 2014
Q&A with Stephen Eglen on CARMEN, reproducible research and push-button data papers with neurophysiology data
Scott Edmunds - February 28, 2014
Endorsing data citation at the Data Citation Principles workshop at the IDCC meeting in San Francisco and new data and functionality in GigaDB
Scott Edmunds - February 20, 2014
Overview and call for papers on continuing our #usegalaxy series at the upcoming GCC2014 2014 Galaxy Community Conference in Baltimore
Scott Edmunds - February 6, 2014
First papers published in our #usegalaxy Galaxy Series utilizing our GigaGalaxy platform, showcasing visualisations of workflows
Scott Edmunds - December 19, 2013
A handy cut out and keep guide to how we use creative commons (CC) licenses for all of our content, textual, data and blogs
Scott Edmunds - November 27, 2013
Moving pictures of the Microbiome in GigaScience, all hail the EMPeror, a new tool for visualizing high-throughput microbial community data.
Nicole Nogoy - November 18, 2013
Announcing a new thematic series of research highlighting automated function prediction using sequence-based methods, function from genomic information, molecular interactions, structure, use of combined methods, and phylogeny-based methods.