Scott Edmunds - January 30, 2025
This week we are pleased to announce and highlight new updated additions to our long-running collaboration with, linked to our first paper with a peer-reviewed protocol featuring a “Peer-reviewed method” badge on Alongside the addition of new functionality in to submit protocols as method papers to GigaByte. The new GigaByte paper presents […]
Scott Edmunds - January 8, 2025
Innovation + Integration = Cassyni X Sciety As an Open Science publisher, we’ve written extensively on our aims to think and act wider to better address the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation. Particularly the key pillars of “Open Engagement of Societal Actors” and “Open Dialogue with other Knowledge systems” where we need to improve the inclusiveness […]
Scott Edmunds - June 16, 2016
Following our announcement this month of a new collaboration and integration with, we’ve gone into more detail on the first two papers that have utilised this open access repository of scientific methods and collaborative protocol-centered platform. To give some insight into his work, we have one of our author Q&As with Associate Professor Tony Papenfuss, lead author of our scabies genome paper.
Scott Edmunds - June 7, 2016
Following our “Reproducible Research Resources for Research(ing) Parasites” announcement of a collaboration with, we thought we would go into more detail on our first papers integrating their methodologies on this platform. To give some insight into his work, we have one of our author Q&As with first author François Olivier Hébert.
Scott Edmunds - June 3, 2016
Two new research papers on scabies and tapeworms published today showcase a new collaboration with This demonstrates a new way to share scientific methods that allows scientists to better repeat and build upon these complicated studies on difficult-to-study parasites. It also highlights a new means of writing all research papers with citable methods that can be updated over time.