Amye Kenall - September 28, 2015
Today, GigaScience launched a project providing an alternative way to give authors credit for their work, contributing more to collaboration, transparency and better data. Amye Kenall tells us more about what this is and how it works.
Nicole Nogoy - September 16, 2015
Neuroinformatics goes tropical and Nicole Nogoy gives a write-up of this year’s INCF Neuroinformatics 2015 meeting in Cairns, Australia
Scott Edmunds - July 30, 2015
With greater awareness in the difficulties in making scientific research more reproducible, numerous technical fixes are being suggested to move publishing away from static and often un-reproducible papers to more reproducible digital objects that better fit 21st century technology. New research demonstrates one potential approach through publishing open data and code in containerized form using docker, and also allowing scientists to tackle climate change, through better understanding of the production of biofuels.
Scott Edmunds - July 19, 2015
More on our birthday and bioinformatics adventures in Dublin for the annual gathering of the worlds compuational biology community: ISMB
Scott Edmunds - July 12, 2015
BOSC2015 has in Dublin has just ended, so we look back over the meeting at some of the talks we enjoyed, and projects we have participated in.
Scott Edmunds - July 3, 2015
A follow-up from Pat Soranno, sharing her thoughts on reproducible ecology and the challenges it presents.
Scott Edmunds - June 4, 2015
Announcing this week the B10K project, Guojie Zhang explains how they plan to sequence all the 10,000 bird genomes.
Scott Edmunds - May 26, 2015
All Cats (Microbiomes) are Grey? Regular readers will have seen our interest in “community genome” projects, supported by crowdfunding and alternative means (fashion shows in case of the “peoples parrot”), and we’ve been pleased to see the Azolla fern and Cactus genome projects that we published guest GigaBlog postings from both achieve their funding targets. […]
Scott Edmunds - May 13, 2015
GigaScience pushes metabolomics Open Data & training, with a new BBSRC grant and our metabolomics series launching
Scott Edmunds - April 28, 2015
Write up of the ISB Biocuration2015 meeting in Beijing that we attended, and leaving a biocuration legacy in China.