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Evolutionary Biology goes Asia: the 3rd AsiaEvo Conference

- January 10, 2024

AsiaEvo conference signpost

In the beginning GigaScience was at the first AsiaEvo conference, which took place in Shenzhen, China in 2019. Back then, the chair of the first AsiaEvo Conference, Guojie Zhang (longtime friend and board member of GigaScience) said of the history of the AsiaEvo meeting series: “In 2016, at the European Evo-Devo conference in Uppsala, some […]

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Some sea cucumbers like it hot

- January 9, 2024

We start the new year with news from the deep, published in GigaScience: The genome of a sea cucumber, collected at a depth of 2400 m during a submarine trip to a hydrothermal vent, helps scientists to understand how marine animals can survive in extreme conditions. Hydrothermal vents are an unlikely environment for animals to […]

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2023 in review: Gigabyte journal coming of age, and more

- December 5, 2023

It’s December, the festive season and the end of  year are approaching fast –  and it’s time for our traditional look back on the past 12 months at GigaScience Press. Once more, we are pleased with the view in the rear mirror.  In its 11th year, GigaScience again published exceptional “big data” science (read on […]

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BioBanking at GGBN 2023: Highlights from GigaScience Press

- November 8, 2023


Chris Armit attended the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Conference 2023 in Mexico and reports on the Biobanking heavy agenda.

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Peer Review Week 2023: GigaByte joins the ‘Publish, Review, Curate’ Revolution using Sciety

- September 27, 2023

Peer Review Week 2023 announcement

Thanks to a collaboration with Sciety and eLife, this Peer Review Week 2023 we can announce new ‘Publish, Review, Curate’ models of peer-review are being showcased by GigaByte.

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Archiving blogs, pt. 2: The GigaBlog Top of the Pops

- September 19, 2023

Top of the Pops

In the process of going back through our more than 300 posts over 12-years of blogging we thought we would highlight our favourites in a Top of the Pops style countdown.

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Archiving blogs: Rogue Scholar and lessons from Biome

- September 12, 2023

Rogue Scholar

GigaBlog is now archived in Rogue Scholar, a new service that provides what it calls “science blogging on steroids” through including full-text search, long-term archiving, DOIs and metadata for science blogs such as ours.

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GSC23: Talking standards in Bangkok

- August 25, 2023


The Genomic Standards Consortium held its 23rd meeting (GSC23) in Bangkok, Thailand this August and we have a write-up of what happened.

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Going Large (Language Models) at ISMB2023

- August 3, 2023

GigaScience Press team attended the yearly ISMB (Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology) meeting and learned about Large Language Models.

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Genome data shed light on the domestication of naked oat

- August 2, 2023

Avena sativa (oat)

Genome analysis of 100 oat plants from around the world reveal that naked and hulled oat varieties diverged more than 50.000 years ago.

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