Scott Edmunds - December 12, 2017
A New High-Quality Reindeer Genome Sequence Provides Resources for Studying Evolution, Domestication, and Adaptation to Arctic Climate. But not the secrets of Christmas.
Scott Edmunds - November 27, 2017
Last month was the 7th consecutive year we’ve attended our co-publisher BGI’s annual ICG (International Conference on Genomics) gathering in Shenzhen. While we’ve assisted in organising a number of fun thematic tracks over the years including ICG-8’s crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and open science session, and ICG-10’s community genomics session, for ICG12 this year we decided to […]
Hans Zauner - October 31, 2017
Write up by Hans Zauner of three eventful days in Berlin last week for FORCE2017 discuss ideas, ongoing projects and future developments around Open Science
Hans Zauner - October 19, 2017
A new commentary in GigaScience demonstrates the use of the FAIR principles to enable Open Science. We explan more here.
Scott Edmunds - September 19, 2017
On the first day of Peer Review Week 2017 we co-hosted a webinar discussing preprints and open peer Review with our friends at AcademicKarma.
Scott Edmunds - September 14, 2017
Q&A with Casey Greene & Brian Byrd on the Research Parasites Award, and why they are promoting secondary reuse of research data (and Symbionts)
Scott Edmunds - September 12, 2017
Q&A with Alfred Arulandhu and Martijn Staats on Bringing Wildlife Forensics into the Omics Era with their CITESspeciesDetect pipeline
Scott Edmunds - September 7, 2017
Guest Blog from BGI founder Huanming Yang on synthetic biology, DNA synthesis and using the human genome for big-data storage
Scott Edmunds - July 31, 2017
Celebrating our birthday at ISMB in Prague, ISMB2017 was a particularly memorable and important one as 5th birthday of GigaScience and 25th edition of the ISMB.
Scott Edmunds - June 27, 2017
GigaScience is always trying to push the boundaries of how we disseminate reproducible research, and to adapt to the challenges of dealing with experiments become more data-intensive. We now showcase a new reproducible research platform we’ve been testing called Code Ocean, and have a Q&A with our Author Ruibang Luo on his experiences using it. […]